Garlic and Dill Roasted Root Chips

Parsnips. I love their quirky shapes, and can appreciate their subtle flavors. But if I’m being completely honest, I still struggle with their texture. When I roast them, they always end up a little softer and mushier than I would have liked. I will let you know when I figure out how to correct that, but for now, I’ll share these lovely little chips. They are filled with rooty goodness, and somehow I always end up eating the whole pan at once. I’ll blame that on the happy notes of garlic and dill (can you name more joyful spices?)…
Garlic powder
Dried dill
Olive Oil
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and position racks in the lower third and top third.
Wash and peel 1 carrot and 1 parsnip. Using a mandolin slice the roots very thinly so that they resemble chips. Place on two sheet pans and toss with generous swirls of olive oil and several strong shakes of garlic powder, dill, and salt.
VERY IMPORTANT: What you’re about to do next is the KEY to crispy chips. Make sure you spread them out evenly on the pans so that they aren’t touch and they are flat on the sheet.
Place one sheet on each rack and set a timer for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, swap the pans (from the bottom to the top rack and vice versa) and then check the chips every 5 minutes until they are crispy and lightly browned but not burned. Remove from oven and let them cool on the pans. Once cool, place on a plate or eat them straight off the sheet!